Hey there! I'm Nikhil Sihora

Let's dive into the world of Linux together!

Kubernetes Pod

Kubernetes doesn’t run containers directly on the nodes. Every container is encapsulated by a pod. Smallest unit of computing Kubernetes. A pod is a single instance of an application. If another instance of the application needs to be deployed, another pod is deployed with the containerized application running inside pod. Pods are epheremeral resources, meaning that Pods can be terminated at any point and then restarted on another node within our Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes Node

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool developed by Google. It helps us manage containerized applications in different deployment environments. Container Orchestration The automated deployment and management of containers is called container orchestration. Containers act as perfect hosts for micro-services (running independently). The rise of micro-services architecture led to applications using 1000s of containers that need to be smartly managed. Container orchestration offers: High Availability (no downtime) Horizontal Scalability Disaster Recovery And so much more.